We had a wonderful two weeks over Christmas having my Mom and stepdad, Des, visit us from SA. It was such fun showing them the sights of the UAE, and seeing a lot of new sights ourselves in the process! Here they are adding the finishing touches to our delicious dinner on Christmas Eve... nothing quite like Mom's cooking at Christmas, no matter how old you are :)

Christmas Eve dinner in our garden.

A bit different from the Eastern Cape's stray cows and

We had a couple of lovely days on the beach. The weather didn't disappoint; despite being winter here we still had days of mid-20's temps and the sea water felt more like the sea than the bath! Josh and Grampa Des making sandcastles... if you can spot stray fins in the background it's probably Mommy or Daddy who were snorkelling out to the rock at the time :)

Practising my walking with Granny Pie

Dan giving Josh a hand opening his present...

... which was a brand new BIKE!!!

Walking along the marina at Abu Dhabi (ours is on the

Common sight on the side of the road...

A "bumpy" ride

View of the Hatta Fort Hotel where we had lunch

An abra ride along Dubai Creek

Mom and Des in front of Dubai's most famous
landmark- the Burj al Arab

"OK, not quite the jersey of the world champs, but I
look good in black- and Mommy & Daddy have a lot of
Kiwi mates!"
Wishing you all a wonderful 2008 and don't forget to keep visiting our exciting blog regularly :)
Fantastic set of photographs there guys. All the best for 2008. Hopefully we will get to visit sooner rather than later. Just some leave issues to resolve! Lots of love. Jon and Sal
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