Daniel arrives...

What a day!
We checked into Park Lane Clinic at 8 am this morning. The inducer drip was rigged up, and then we waited and waited... It took many hours before anything really started to happen - at about mid afternoon. Kim was a SUPERSTAR, again, taking it all in her stride.
Daniel arrived at 16h19 without much fuss or hassle despite being 10 days early. Lots of brown hair and a loud scream which is always a good sign (I am told). Here are a few pictures. He weighs in at 3.7 kg's and 56 cm's long. All healthy and Kimbo is doing fine.
Without taking anything away from the NHS which provided a smooth delivery of Josh for free (less our taxes) we can honestly say that the medical equiptment and service we received in South Africa was first rate and first world. Quite a contrast to the "suck some gas and push approach". Kim will explain the details, I was a mere observer!
I cant wait to get back to Park Lane tomorrow to introduce Joshua to young Daniel.
Take care and thanks for all the well wishes.
Logged in 9.30pm UK time last night to see if any news talk about hot off the press!
Best wishes to all the family James, Jackie & Katie xxxx
(p.s why not Matthew or Carlos?)
What a crakcer! Pity for old Lawrence...damn...wanted that pop up toaster.
Well maybe kid number 3. Danny looks like a big boy already. Hope all goes well and that you will be available for breakfast again soon. Cheers :)
Well done, Kim and congratulations. Who won the naming competition? We can wait to see you guys in July and Aug, Ben is so excisted about playing at Josh's house. All I want to know is why is Nathan scaring Daniel with his new hat?
Phil, Mel, Ben & Anna
Congradulations on your second son.
Big lad!
Loaded remarks about standard operating theatre head gear are so touche...
The Park Lane Clinic swap shop.
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