Mystical Muscat Meanderings
Welcome to this bumper edition of the Carr blog. I have been on leave for the last week or so and we decided to make a real holiday of it and explore Oman and its 12th century capital, Muscat. The drive from Dubai is 4hrs plus a one hour fracas at the border post (near Hattah). Most of our time was spent at the Shangri La resort lazing on the beach or in the pools. The boys had regular (and simultaneous) afternoon naps which allowed us to catch up on some zzz's too... Bliss.
Josh enjoying one of the pools.
Kimbo taking a dip.
Beach time.
Apparently the sand tasted good too!?!
We were lucky to witness a turtle laying its eggs on the beach (the shoreline is generally very rocky so this bay is a popular turtle maternity ward). Josh is standing next to one of the cordoned off sections were eggs have been laid.
The mountain views. Exploring the rock pools (below).
With Daddy on the beach...
Castle turrets and mosque "spires".
Josh wearing the Omani hat daddy bought after some serious haggling at the souk. An absolute steal in the end (4.75 Omani's down from 5).
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