What a difference a year makes!

It is always amazing to see how quickly children grow and change. These two photos were taken almost a year apart exactly - same bouncy chair, and amazingly, same little boy! He is just filling the chair a lot more now!
Arsenal continue to climb up the ranks (I think they played a game on Monday night, but haven't a clue what happened...???) Well done to the Blou Bulle on sharing the Currie Cup with defending champs the CHEEEEEETAHS (enjoying Ollie's long hairdo...) And lastly, good luck to the Bokke as they go on tour shortly. Personally I am relieved that N and I won't be at Twickenham this year in the event of another leopard-crawl-out-of-here-twenty-minutes-before-the-game-ends-and-dread- the-abuse-at-work-from-English-colleagues-on-Monday scenario.
That's it from me and my sporting contributions!
Oh he's such a cutie! Definately a lot of Uncle Gary in the bottom pic! Aren't you lucky you've inherited the James good looks, Joshy!? :)
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