Saturday, August 30, 2008

A month to go...

Planning for the move to South Africa is well underway with just under a month to go. The packers pack up on the 21st, 22nd and 23rd of September and our flights are booked to fly out on the 26th... Lots to do between now and then (like sell the Pajero - see below - any takers from our Dubai readers?).
Elsie, Madiba and the boys...
It has been potjie season lately... This was a lamb + red wine number. The vegetation is bay leaf and totally intentional.

Nahoon mouth - view from the Highlander. We can almost feel the breeze...

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Fresh look...

Well, call us unsentimental but we have changed our site with a new, fresh looking template. With all the changes going on we thought why not reflect that here too...

We enjoyed a farewell Barclays brunch on Friday at a swanky hotel whose name we cannot remember or spell (if we did). It was very lavish and enjoyable. Here are some snaps of the day, amongst others. Starting to cool down slighly here - hovering around 40' regularly which means that we could dust off the bikes this week end...

Tired and grumpy... Have a good week.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Seven stars * * * * * * *

It has been a full week end. After our day in Abu Dhabi (below) we experienced the hospitality of the famous Burj Al Arab - the worlds only seven star hotel - this afternoon. It was a civilised affair of afternoon tea at the Sky View bar on the 27th floor. The views were magnificent. Thanks Kimbo - very memorable. We shall return and stay the night once our biltong and dry cleaning franchises are fully operational in the Eastern Cape.

Parked up outside...
Marine fish tanks on arrival - and their cleaner. Not a bad job...

Lurking around the lobby...

Summer in Abu Dhabi

We had a great day out with the Jamiesons yesterday in Abu Dhabi, at the "Summer in Abu Dhabi" exhibition. So much for everyone to do in a lovely air-conditioned centre. A perfect way to spend a Summer's day (in the UAE!)
The Dads really "let their hair down"!

Spiderman/men was spotted...

Josh and his co-pilot, Christopher
Practising to be Spiderman...
A definite highlight of the day!
Things got a bit vicious on the Bumper Car Course,
but the boys took it in their stride :)
Jax and I with the littlies on a tamer ride...
Josh and Christopher in the "Bob the Builder" zone :)
Hard at work (judging by the tongue sticking out!)
The Magic Faraway Tree (Mom's FAVE!)
Some purple-haired man read Dan a story (no, it's not Barney!)

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Spider Man Smashed

He is meant to be invincible, indestructable and brave. This unsuspecting (and complete) Spider Man was relaxing in his wrapping less then 12 hours ago hoping for a new home filled with warmth, love and admiration. Alas, the Carr boys picked him up and in one afternoon session of npower test cricket literally dissected him into a quivering upper torso.

We are giving some serious thought as to which "super hero" we introduce next....

Friday, August 01, 2008

Good-bye baby curls...

We finally succombed and took Daniel to the hairdresser on our return to Dubai this week. I was a bit sad to see the flowing locks falling to the floor, but must admit he looks a lot more like a boy now :) The locks are safely stowed in their plastic packet however as a momento of his adorable little curls (ah, how embarassed he will be when I produce these at his 21st one day!)

The boys having some bonding time this morning...

Trawling the mall this afternoon, enjoying a milkshake

If you've ever wondered what it would be like to be sitting in a sauna, wearing your winter woolies and having a hairdrier being blasted in your face at full force at the same time, then perhaps you should pay us a visit in Dubai at the moment. Today was 46 degrees with 80% humidity... I rest my case!