Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Introducing Zigby, Barney and Fudge...

Since Christmas we have three new additions to the house hold. Our two resident guinea pigs, Zigby and Barney and our latest acquisition - a Russian short haired hamster - Fudge. Here are some snaps. The Giraffe is not ours - but was one of the few attractions at the EL Zoo.
With Zigby in the guinea pig "hok" in the garden.
Feeding and grooming time...

Fudge, our Russian hamster. He is not actually from Russia but the Beacon Bay pet shop.

Fudge's cool cage (above) - a gift from Granny Jane. Practising the rush defence is a lot more difficult then...

Being a monkey, which comes naturally.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Daniel turns 2

That chocolate cake was YUMMY!
King for a day...

We've had a busy time lately with Nath being away for the first 2-week block of his MBA at Rhodes, me settling into my teaching again at Selborne and the kids adjusting to a new school (Josh) and new nanny (Danny is now very ably looked after by Beauty in the mornings until I get home from school around 12.30ish). We are happy to report that all four of us are doing well - except Nath who is suffering from a tummy bug at the moment, but we are happy to have him home nonetheless!!!
Today is Daniel's 2nd birthday so we celebrated by having a party at home this morning. I have been doing anti-rain dances for days (sorry farmers, I know times are dry at the moment over here!) but there just was no plan B if it rained today... Fortunately my prayers were answered and we had a lovely cool, dry day for our party. All went well and a good time was had by all. Dan was a bit overwhelmed as he tends to prefer smaller crowds, hence the scrumming against mommy in the pic above in objection to having to blow out his candles...!

Jax, Chantel and Lisa picnicking with the kids

Josh and his gorgeous little friend, Rebekah

Making "bugs" in the garage

Josh and Rebekah again - could this be first love?

Great having the "next generation" of Rhodents with us:

Ben (son of Cris and Jane Reago de Dios), Josh (Rory and Ang

Hashick) and Matthew (Grant and Mary lou Berndt).

Granny Pie made these cute little spiders...

... and the awesome cake for our "bug" party.
(thanks Mom!) x

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Iron Maiden - Part II

Part I report further below.

Greeks and Poeg finishing the swim leg neck and neck.
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Iron Maidens

The Half Iron Man (SWIM: 1.9 km's/CYCLE:90 km's and HALF MARATHON:21 km's) was held in East London two week ends ago. Well done to these legends for pulling through. Greeks did the whole thing in under six hours and Weeby did the cycle leg in the team event. Next year....

The start at Orient beach. Orderly chaos...
Weeb's looking the part (and sucking it in a bit for the lens).
Greeks doing the half marathon at the end.
The Carr family, supporting.
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