We've just had an awesome week-end with Cindy and Darryn at Shamwari. Nath is in Grahamstown again for the last MBA block for the year, so he joined us for Saturday afternoon and today - looking very tired after a stringent week of exams and lectures (and the odd pint at the Rat...)! The weather didn't co-operate very well, but we really do need rain in the Eastern Cape, so we can't complain.

Josh feeding "Debra" the 11-week-old zebra

This elephant dung SMELLS!!!

Feeding Themba the baby elephant

For a little bushbaby, Ava was terrified of Themba!

Albert the sheep gives Dan a sniff

That's better - I'm not so keen on elephants!

Cinds and Ava

Dan and his NBF, Albert

Josh also found a new best friend - Cinds and Darryn's neighbours'
son, Alan :)

Our own little monkey :)